ISSN 2544-5588

Sławomir Mazurek - From the Editor
Janusz Dobieszewski - The revolutionary nature of the Russian Revolution
Vladimir Kantor - Revolution as the sleep of reason: the total reduction of ideas
Marcin Król - Revolution and tradition
Marek Jedliński - Anatomy of the Russian Revolution and the illusions of breaking with the past. Traditionalist criticism of Pitirim Sorokin
Leszek Augustyn - The shocks of history. The phenomenology of revolution as emerging from Leo Karsavin’s views
Marci Shore - Philosophy in the Time of Revolution
Sławomir Mazurek - Self-limiting catastrophism. Russian religious thought and the problem of the Revolution as unprecedented evil
Igor I. Evlampiev - The religious teachings of the later Fichte as a source of anarchism and revolutionary ideas
Inga Matveeva - Leo Tolstoy and the Russian Revolution: a modern look
Dorota Jewdokimow - The never written history of a Moscow existence of 1919. The Warsaw School of the History of Ideas in the light of Marina Tsvetaeva’s notes
Katarzyna Kremplewska - A story of disillusionment: George Santayana’s views on the Russian Revolution and communism
Jacek Migasiński - The evolution of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s views on marxism – an inspiration for polish marxism revisionists
Szymon Wróbel - What is the history of philosophy?
Waldemar Bulira, Teoria krytyczna szkoły budapeszteńskiej. Od totalitaryzmu do postmodernizmu [The Critical Theory of the Budapest School. From Totalitarianism to Postmodernism]